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Get Your Green On for St. Paddy’s Day

One day and counting kids, do you have your polish picked out for tomorrow? If you’re still scrambling for ideas, I’ve got more than a few for you.

Last year, I showed you some of my fave accessible greens including RBL Recycle and Sinful Colors San Francisco and since then, even more fab shades have come on the market. Take a peek at my St Patrick’s Day recommendations, after the jump!

Aside from the shades I rec’d last year, there are four more previously reviewed polishes that are a perfect St. Paddy’s Day fit. Of course I had to include my fave emerald shimmer, Barielle Date Night, one of the few mass market perm greens Sally Hansen Emerald City, springy kelly green OPI Green-wich Village and my dream green glitter China Glaze Emerald Sparkle.

Also, there are some great hues that I haven’t posted yet but definitely deserve some Irish love. Sally Hansen released a new line, Insta-Dri, that includes a rich forest called Jumpin’ Jade. China Glaze Cherish is a soft, pastel-ish option for those of you that shy from full-on green. On the opposite end of that spectrum we have Misa Let’s Go Green for a shock of lime. Finally, Rimmel’s 60 Seconds formula has adopted the now defunct Underground Play Fast shade Camouflage a gold tinged verdant.
All shades are available in your local drugstores or online at,, and

Check back tomorrow to see what I picked for my St Paddy’s NOTD. Hint: You haven’t seen it yet!

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